We Are Best Transport Service Provider In Andaman.
Pioneering the region, we introduced the first online bus ticket services with seamless experience, specialize in long-route travel and Our services includes providing premium tire retreading solutions in Islands.

Frequently Searched Routes

PB to DP DP to PB

About Us

Travel At An Affordable Price And Class On ATR.

Anand Transport is a part of the K J Jagannathan Concern and is one of the largest bus operators in South Andaman and North Andaman, We connect communities in most of the towns in North Andaman.

Connects Districts
On Time Arrivals
Customers First
Hundreds of Passenger
Ensures Quality
Reliable Spare Buses

Why Choose Us

Your Safety And Comfort Is Our Commitment Since 2004.

Anand Transport and Tyre, with two decades of expertise, pioneers the travel industry in Andaman. As trailblazers, we introduced the first online bus ticket service in the region. Specializing in long-route travel, we seamlessly merge travel services with top-notch tyre retreading solutions.

Our services play an important role in delivering social inclusion, helping people in rural and urban areas access work, education, health, shopping, and leisure, with hundreds of passengers traveling on Anand every day. We always ensure that our passengers arrive at their destination on time.

Our Services

We Provide Charter Services For You

Study Tours

Simplify study tours with our reliable bus services, ensuring smooth and stress-free travel for your educational adventures.

Bus Rentals

Whatever your needs may be, when it comes to comfortable travel buses for your journeys, we’ve got you covered with our reliable rental services.

Cargo & Luggage

Transport cargo or large luggage with our cargo service between north, middle and south andaman. we ply daily service.

Contact Us

Contact our dedicated team – we’re here to ensure your journey with us is smooth from start to finish.

Anand Transport & Tyres,
Haddo, Portblair

Haddo Office - 03192 233252

Diglipur Office - 03192 272355

Diglipur Counter - 03192 203939


Our Tyre Works